Frequently Asked Questions
What are the benefits of yoga for men?
In most men's minds, yoga is just a glorified stretch session performed by the types of women who can afford $150 yoga pants. Traditionally Yoga was only practiced by Men, women were certainly the early adopters of modern yoga as exercise, more and more men are discovering that yoga is actually a full-body workout. Cardiologists, neurobiologists, and psychologists have studied the myriad benefits of yoga. Abundant studies show that yoga helps:
Lower blood pressure
Improve cardiovascular function
Lower cortisol (stress hormone) in the blood, which in turn improves immune function
Enhance flexibility and balance
Because yoga requires no special equipment, clothing, or footwear, yoga can be practiced alone or as part of a group, and in just about any setting indoors and outdoors, medical professionals now advocate yoga as a cost-effective way to improve outcomes for patients undergoing rehabilitation following an injury or surgery. Yoga has also proved effective in the self-management of a variety of chronic conditions, including depression, anxiety, and post-traumatic stress disorder.
What is the deal with Naked yoga?
Take a man’s clothes off and what you have is a naked man. Nothing more and nothing less. It can be a very vulnerable state to be in, for sure. But once you get to see what real men’s bodies look like, not the photoshopped ones you see on the front covers of DNA or Men’s Health or the penises you see in porn, you start to feel a lot better about your own body.
No one cares about what your body looks like in a naked yoga class. Everyone is naked and equally vulnerable and out of this vulnerability arises a wonderful almost comforting sense of genuine camaraderie.
If you are struggling with your own body consciousness issues, then you will find naked yoga can help you become more accepting of your own body, as well as the bodies of others. We also offer clothed class options
I’m not fit or flexible, can I do yoga?
Yes. You do not have to have a contortionist's flexibility or athlete-level fitness to start yoga. All you need is a willingness to learn. Our students range in ages, shapes / sizes and fitness levels. Some men go to gym regularly while for others, yoga is their only exercise.
Asking yourself whether you are fit or flexible enough for yoga is the equivalent of asking: "Am I too injured to seek medical attention?" It is precisely because you may lack fitness and flexibility that you need yoga. With yoga you arrive just as you are. It's then onward and upward from there.
Do I have to pre-book a spot in a yoga class?
Yes. Absolutely. The Body Curious studio is not a walk-in studio. We only accept pre-registered, online booked and paid students. If you pitch up at a class without booking, you risk being turned away at the door.
Visit the Body Curious booking portal and register to make a booking.
What does a group yoga class entail?
The content of the class varies depending on the type of class options to adjust your practice based on your physical fitness, injuries, disabilities or experience level of the students are provided by the Teacher. Yoga classes confirm to an underlying format that consists of eight parts:
Part One: Arrival
Students start to arrive up to 10-15 minutes before the class is scheduled, change or get undressed, then find a mat and spend the time before class either catching up, getting to know any new students, or just relaxing.
n.b.The studio is pre-set, all equipment is supplied however you are welcome to bring your own mat.
If it is your first class, arrive no less than 15 minutes before the class is due to start.
Try the door first. If it is unlocked, come right on in. If not, push the doorbell and wait for the teacher to unlock the door for you. remove your shoes, excess clothes, etc, and stow your items in the locker or pigeon hole provided. Grab your towel (if you don’t have one) and go and find a vacant mat. Your teacher will ask you to complete a health questionnaire before you can participate in the class.
N.b. Students must comply with Covid safe practices as directed by the Teacher.
Part Two: The Breath
Yogic breathing (pranayama) is the foundation of hatha yoga. During this exercise, students assume a posture on the mat and begin to slow the breath. This short meditative practice prepares the body and the mind for yoga.
Part Three: Warm Up
Students practice joint articulation to ready their bodies for yoga asanas (poses).
Part Four: Yoga Asanas (Poses)
The teacher takes the class through a sequence of yoga poses. The pace, order and nature of the asanas depends on the type of class and the experience level of the students.
Part Five: Partnerwork and Massage (Not applicable in all classes)
Partnerwork consists of partner-assisted asana.
Part Six: Savasana
Everyone's favourite asana: Savasana. Students lie down on their backs and simply relax for a few minutes. This time is given over to resting the body.
Part Seven: Teatime
Students gather over tea to talk about the class and ask the teacher any questions.
Part Eight: Pack Up
All the students help with cleaning and putting away the yoga mats and props. Finally, and very reluctantly, everyone puts on their clothes and so ends the class.
Do we touch each other in yoga class?
In yoga, this takes two forms of touch: consensual hands-on teacher adjustment , partnerwork, and massage. (notify teacher if you do not wish to be physically adjusted or engage in partner activities)
Hands-on Teacher Adjustment
Regardless of the type of class, teachers may consensually adjust students in poses by gently repositioning their bodies. You may request that the teacher not adjust you during class, but hands-on teacher adjustment is one of the most effective ways to teach yoga. To learn an asana, the student must not only observe the form of the pose but also how it feels in the body to hold the pose correctly.
Partnerwork (selected classes as advertised)
If social-distancing rules (i.e. Covid regulations) allow, classes may include partner-assisted asanas, or partnerwork. In partnerwork - partners of similar weight and height (depending on the exercise) support each other in poses and stretches. You may choose to abstain if you wish. The purpose of partnerwork is to develop balance while cultivating trust through better communication.
What if I get an erection in a naked yoga class?
Our men's naked yoga class is a safe, non-judgemental space. You are welcome here, so is your erection (very unlikely). Some men get erections in class and some never do. Maybe you'll get an erection and maybe you won't. Don't worry about it if you do. Certainly, nobody else will. If you do get an erection, don't let it distract you. This will cause you to lose focus. Simply continue as normal with the class. You will find that erections don’t stand around for very long in a yoga class.
Do I have to bring along my own yoga mat?
No. We provide everything, from the yoga mat you will practice on to essential yoga props like bolsters, yoga blocks, and straps. All you need to bring is your naked self, a sweat towel, an open heart, and a willingness to learn. But if you do have a favourite mat, you are welcome to bring it along.
How do I prepare for a yoga class, massage, or sexbod session
It's a naked yoga class so you don’t have to worry about what to wear in class, but you should still consider what to wear to and from the studio. Wear clothing that is easy to get out of and into again. Each student is provided shoe storage & a pigeon hole for personal items
Take a Shower Before Class
Your teacher and fellow students will appreciate this gesture. After you shower, apply deodorant, but avoid wearing strong fragrances to class. While the studio does have a restroom we have limited shower facilities. Disposable, moist bodywipes, mouth wash, and deodorant are available for all students to use, free of charge.
Eat Something, But Keep it Light
In a yoga class, a student can expect to burn between 300 and 450 calories in an hour, so it's a good idea to stick some fuel in your tank before you come to class. Just make sure you eat something light two hours before your class. You risk losing it, literally, if you do yoga on a full stomach.
Hydrate Yourself, But Don't Drink Too Much
Don’t go chugging a litre of water before or at some point during class. It can be uncomfortable to practise yoga with water sloshing around in your stomach. To avoid running to the toilet midway through class, don't drink alcohol before class and lay off other diuretics like coffee and tea until after class.
Pack a Sweat Towel
Almost everything you will need to practise yoga, the studio supplies, including a yoga mat, yoga straps, a bolster, and yoga blocks. You are of course most welcome to bring along your own yoga mat. Every student needs to bring a sweat towel. This could be a hand towel or a standard-sized bath towel. Avoid bringing a large bath sheet to class as something that size tends to get in the way, should you forget we have complimentary towels available to use.
We also have Non-slip, microfibre yoga towels - available for purchase at the studio. These yoga towels are sized to fit standard yoga mats.
Somatic Sex Therapy & Counselling
Can I have sex with the practitioner?
A certified Somatic Sex therapist and Counsellor is not a sex worker. The Practitioner will not engage in sex with a client. The Practitioner will be clothed for the duration of the session. As certified practitioners must conform to a code of conduct, your practitioner cannot have sex with you outside of a session either.
Can I have a female sexbod practitioner as opposed to a male one?
We can accommodate such a request and we have female practitioners on our Practitioner Team.
How are my therapy records managed to ensure my privacy?
All client notes taken during a sexological bodywork session are identified with the person’s first name and surname as initial with their unique client number Example: Craig S 7294. and are confidential (refer SSEAA code of conduct)
What is Taoist Erotic Massage?
Based on the Taoist Erotic Massage this massage explores different sensations and deep exploration of the body using breath, movement, touch, and placement of awareness, tailored to the client’s needs. The massage is designed to collect and channel sexual energy to reinvigorate the entire body, mind, and soul. It also helps generate awareness of one’s own body and emotions. This massage gets its name because it is based on the principles of Taoism and Tantra, however, it is a relatively new technique, dating back to the early 1980s. Dr. Joseph the founder of Body Electric & Sexological Bodywork, developed the technique as a method for men to connect sexually in a safe way. This is an erotically charged massage experience however is not sexual.
What must I keep in mind for my massage?
Advise if you would like to undertake the massage clothed or naked. If clothed please bring or wear loose comfortable clothing. Body Curious massages are between 60 to 90 minutes (confirmed at time of appointment).
Don’t eat a heavy meal
For your first appointment arrive at least 10 minutes early to change and complete the necessary forms
Be sure that your massage Practitioner has your complete health history
Should you feel cold, hot, or the depth, pressure or anything else is impacting your comfort, please advise your practitioner at any time during the massage
Getting to my session & Transport
Allow Enough Time to Arrive On Time
Do not rush to class. Give yourself plenty of time to get here. This way you will be less anxious when you arrive. The more anxious you are when you arrive, the more difficult it is to come down to a state of mind where you can practice yoga. The door to the studio opens 15 minutes before class. The teacher closes and locks the door at the scheduled starting time. The teacher will not admit students after the class has started. No exceptions!
Is there parking near the studio?
Trying to find a parking space in Potts Point on a weeknight can be challenging. However, if you are driving, there is two-hour free parking at the north end of Victoria Street and McElhone Street and $15-parking at Kings Cross Car Park after 6pm
What about public transport options?
The studio is just 50 m from Kings Cross Station. To get to the studio from the station:
start up the stairs left of the escalators
turn right into Earl Place
follow the street around to your right
look for the doorway guarded by two potted plants
If this is your first time attending a class, it is important to arrive 15 to 20 minutes before the class starts. You will need to fill out a confidential health declaration form and sign a release form before participating in your first class.