Men's Somatic Sex Therapy, Counselling, Massage & Yoga

Build a better relationship with your body.


Welcome to Body Curious! Our studio, located in Potts Point, Sydney, just steps from Kings Cross Station, is a welcoming and community-minded space where men can participate in Yoga, Massage, Bodywork, and Sexological Bodywork. We offer naked and clothed classes in small group and private sessions, catering to all skill levels and welcoming people of all ages, body types, and fitness levels. Our practitioners are qualified, competent professionals who prioritize the health and safety of our clients and encourage each person to work within their personal range of comfort and ability. We hope to see you at our studio soon!


For private sessions call 0416012862


Build a better relationship with your body & mind

Private sessions

Massage, Bodywork,

& Yoga

By appointment

Explore Somatic sex therapy or Counselling specialising in Men’s health.

Private appointments 0416 012 862